Saturday, 24 May 2014

Wrong conception of 'manhood' - its effect on our society

In an era dominated by men who want to live a life void of ennui, the true meaning of the term 'manhood' has been generally abused. Most men are quick to refer to the word manhood - when speaking about matters of less relevance - without thinking of its true use.

Although an ambiguous term, the true definition of manhood ought to be shrouded by the assumption of the full responsibilities of a man. In other words, when referring to manhood, a person should be quick to think of responsibilities - and how to assume them.
However, most men of our society today have mistaken manhood for the sexual organ alone. Those in this school of thought think they are real men when they can impregnate every woman and leave them in a 'womanhood' state. The effect of this eccentricity is proportional to the rate of the unwanted pregancies we see today. I remember discussing with an unmarried young man who already had two kids - with two different women - and was going for a third one. He had an odd understanding of the meaning of manhood and he bragged in his ignorance. I had to tell him in an ordinary language: "Bros, manhood no be pennis".

Its effect on the society

This misconception has led to the high rate of crime and terrorism in the globe - as fatherlessness has proven to be an underestimated cause of crime. By fatherlessness, I do not only refer to the condition whereby a father is dead or not living with his family, but also the state when a father, living with his family, is irresponsible and uninfluential. Children from such homes end up being victims of anti-social behaviours.

Let us consider these facts - as documented by the United States:

- 80% of rapists motivated with displaces anger come from fatherless homes (Criminal Justice and Behaviour, Vol 14, p. 403-26, 1978);

- 70% of juveniles in state operated institutions come from fatherless homes (U.S. Dept. of Justice, Special Report, Sept. 1988);

- 85% of all youths sitting in prisons grew up in a fatherless home (Texas Dept. of Corrections 1992);

Come to think of it, was Abubakar Shekau - the spokesman of the terrorist group Boko Haram - raised by his father?

Poor fatherly parenting will continually remain a cause of crime. The lack of parental control, supervision and monitoring equals to the rise of crime and terrorism. Until our men begin to act like REAL men and FATHER figures, we will never win the war against corruption and crime . If we can revive our men, we have, to a large extent, reduced the rate of crime.

Finally, manhood no be prick and fatherhood no be title
The earlier we acknowledge these facts, the better for us. Fathers, not mothers, should run the home and provide for the needs of the family. Being a man or a father figure is not merely a title, it comes with huge responsibilities. Manhood does not merely reduce to sexual man power, but also responsibility. If you are powerful enough to impregnate her, you should also be man enough to take responsibilities. That's true manhood.

In this way,  our society will be a better place and the rate of crime and terrorism will be reduced.

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