Marriage, the lasting relationship orchestrated by God, has been abused in our generation. The excessive rate of divorce around the globe has proven to be worrisome; and the prevalent causes of such,
tend to be indefinite.
In order to reduce the increasing rate of divorce and ensure a better society, here are helpful tips which can help make your marriage last.
1. INVOLVE GOD: Always pray and ask God to rule your marriage. He is the chief organizer of the institution of marriage. As such, any marriage controlled by Him cannot suffer damage nor divorce. God
grants you the wisdom to manage the marital affairs excellently.
2. LEARN TO LOVE YOUR PARTNER: Ensure you appreciate your partner by loving him/her unconditionally. The existence of love makes a marriage enjoying. If both partners will love or learn to love themselves, the marriage would do exploit.
3. BE UNDERSTANDING: Try to show a good understanding in matters concerning your partner. By this, I mean knowing the likes and dislikes of your partners and trying to desist from what makes him/her
angry or sad. Avoiding your partner's don'ts.
4. BE TOLERANT: Be tolerant of your partner's weaknesses. Nobody is perfect, but all strive towards perfection. You can help your partner achieve perfection by concentrating more on his/her strengths rather
than weaknesses.
4. TRUST YOUR PARTNER: Trust your partner and make yourself trustworthy. This is the foundation of a progressive marriage - as many union also crumbled due to the lack of trust. Partner's should
avoid evil counsels and trust themselves.
5. CO-OPERATE: Always co-operate with your partner in every issue.When a couple comes together to do a thing, God prospers it as long as it will not destroy them. An adage says "two heads are better than
one". Certain blessings are attached to the power that two can produce. Hence, when partners co-operate, none of them would hoard his/her account details for the other.
6. BEGIN TO INVEST: Ensure the existence of any sort of investment in your marriage. Every good marriage builds its future. A man and his wife should be able to plan, invest and expect profits together.
Apply these principal steps and your marriage will neither suffer disgrace nor divorce.
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