Saturday, 29 March 2014

The Spirit of Servanthood

The term 'servant' has been degraded as everyone wants to be in charge - whether experienced or not. Apart from exceptional cases when God wants to raise a rare gem, it is highly necessary for everyone to undergo the process of service - if they must lead.

The spirit of servant-hood is the essential attitude necessary for all leaders. It is the loyal feeling of being a servant and the pleasure one derives on remembering the fact that he or she is a servant. In the words of
Bishop David Abioye, "the spirit of servanthood is a platform of empowerment and enthronement. This spirit takes one into the realm of exhortations, it cares less about position and it is the gateway to leadership.

Surprisingly today, many people want to become leaders but none wants to be a servant. We tend forget the fact that the greatest leaders and people in history were once servants. For instance, Joshua the son of Nun, who destroyed Jericho, was a dedicated servant/ follower of Moses. Elisha was Elijah's loyal servant and he got the double portion of Elijah's grace. We can all bear witness of Pastor Adeboye of RCCG who was a humble servant to late Pa. Josiah. These people served selflessly, dedicatively and with pleasure. Today, we can all talk about their accomplishments.

 It is pertinent to note that even Jesus Christ took the form of a servant and came to the world to die for our sins on the cross of Calvary. (Phil. 2: 5-7)

Since man is bossy by nature, this spirit will make you serve without strive and with humility. A bossy leadership will soon crash but a sustained leadership is one that is groomed in servanthood. Humility is the key to selfless service because it drives out the spirit of competition. Instead of praying your way up, why not serve your way up? There is a force in servanthood that defies the law of gravity and transits one from a
servant to a leader forever.

Thus, Bishop Abioye's asserted that "until you become a certified servant, you cannot become an accredited ruler." When this spirit is at work, there will be eternal bliss in every marriage as the husband and wife will deem it necessary to serve the family selflessly. With this spirit, order will diffuse into the society and the
world will be a better place.

Make it a point of duty to serve both God and men diligently. This is a sure way for proper empowerment, divine upliftment and unimaginable positioning. Every servant must become leaders and this is why God-the-Father made the name of Jesus Christ the most powerful name because Christ has the spirit of service. Let us be like Christ. Until we learn to do things selflessly and for God, we will never encounter sustainable and unfathomable breakthrough.

In a nutshell, be sure you are too committed in the act of servanthood as this will cause you to enjoy divine preservation, blossomness (Exodus 23:25-26), wholesomeness and divine backing.

God Bless You.

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