Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Your God Given Pregnancy

Yeah! The term 'pregnancy' is  basically a feminine gender thing, as we all believe... But that's not true!

Pregnancy, in the real sense of the word, can also relate to men and the young. In this aspect, it is explained as the state of being rich in significance, with greater possibilities of development.

Spiritually speaking, being pregnant means being rich in significance and purpose; being endowed with potentials that are not yet actualized and possessing the possibility of birthing greatness. Here, pregnancy applies to everyone - whether old or young, male or female.

Just like a woman heavy with the physical foetus, one having potentials is also pregnant - as he is carrying greatness which is yet unborn.

You might wonder: What is the purpose of this post?

Life may not look rosy now, it may not be your dream and it may be really frustrating. Trust me, I have seen and heard so many sad stories. But as one pregnant, you must maintain a right state of mind in order to avoid miscarriage. You musn't treat yourself so badly nor engage in riotious acts because they will lead to miscarriage. A truism is that pregnancy stage is normally strenous and challenging, but after birth, there is usually joy and fulfilment. This is also applicable to the trying stages of potential greatness.

Understand you bear something great inside of you and lead life as though you are physically pregnancy. Walk like one who is pregnant, don't run carelessly; go for the bus with care, don't rush or fight for turn - a pregnant woman won't do that; talk  less; behave quietly; make friends with those who are also pregnant and be hopeful of giving birth safely.

It really doesn't matter how long it takes or how pathetic your story is. On the platform of faith and patience, you will surely deliver that long conceived greatness - and all men would see to rejoice with you. Of course, the striking addage follows: "the rejected stone will be the head corner."

When a woman delivers safely, people usually have no choice than to congratulate her. This will also be the matter when you have given those inherent ideas, dreams and greatness flesh and men see them live.

"Heaven has granted you the ability of creation, therefore be creative. Kingdom shakers are people pregnant with possibilities." Dr. Uma Ukpai

Be assured that God, Who made you pregnant, has better plans for you and He is never late.

God Bless You!

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