Pride is one of those behavioural traits which should cause us, on a daily basis, to pray to God for help. Pride is a natural product of the sin nature and every human being is born with it. So, we are all born with a potential for pride. You can never be promoted beyond the reach of pride. The reality is that the higher you go, the closer the proximity between you and pride (1 Timothy 3:6). The quality God wants us to have is that of humility. Humility is having a correct estimation of yourself in the light of the knowledge of God.
Overestimation of yourself is pride; underestimation of yourself is stupidity. Humility does not mean that you are the dregs of the earth or a nonentity. When Christ died for you on the cross, He gave you a new identity (Galatians 2:20). Philipians 4:13 states "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". If you then say, "I can do all things" that is pride. Conversely, bringing in Christ and trusting Him to help you, gives you the correct estimation of yourself.
There are two main benefits of being humble. One, God finds it easy to interact with a humble person. That is why God resists the proud and gives His Grace to the humble. When it comes to prayer, meditation in the Word or His giving revelation, God has big issues with a proud person. The person who has reverence for God, honours and values God and what He has to say, is the one who God relates with (Isaiah 66:2).
If God finds it easy to hang around you, you are blessed because He is the ultimate helper (Luke 18:9-14). Pride takes us out of God's presence whilst humility creates an atmosphere that attracts God into our lives.
Two, other people find it easy to interact with you when you are humble. Pride frustrates relationships. A proud person is dangerously ambitious and does not mind hurting or cheating others to get ahead of them. It is not easy to be intimate with someone who is constantly competing with you. How do you manage a marriage where the spouses are competing with themselves; or a family where the siblings are competing against each other? In organisations, team members compete against one another instead of working together to realise the corporate goals. When someone who is suppose to complement you is competing with you, the dynamics if that relationship has been altered (Philippians 2:3-4).
Humility makes it easy for God and people to interact with us so that doors of opportunity will be opened for us. Humility makes you a teachable person and a good learner. Promotion and wealth come because, with humility, you submit to authority and you are willing to serve. Humility encourages honesty and helps you to handle promotion well.
Overestimation of yourself is pride; underestimation of yourself is stupidity. Humility does not mean that you are the dregs of the earth or a nonentity. When Christ died for you on the cross, He gave you a new identity (Galatians 2:20). Philipians 4:13 states "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". If you then say, "I can do all things" that is pride. Conversely, bringing in Christ and trusting Him to help you, gives you the correct estimation of yourself.
There are two main benefits of being humble. One, God finds it easy to interact with a humble person. That is why God resists the proud and gives His Grace to the humble. When it comes to prayer, meditation in the Word or His giving revelation, God has big issues with a proud person. The person who has reverence for God, honours and values God and what He has to say, is the one who God relates with (Isaiah 66:2).
If God finds it easy to hang around you, you are blessed because He is the ultimate helper (Luke 18:9-14). Pride takes us out of God's presence whilst humility creates an atmosphere that attracts God into our lives.
Two, other people find it easy to interact with you when you are humble. Pride frustrates relationships. A proud person is dangerously ambitious and does not mind hurting or cheating others to get ahead of them. It is not easy to be intimate with someone who is constantly competing with you. How do you manage a marriage where the spouses are competing with themselves; or a family where the siblings are competing against each other? In organisations, team members compete against one another instead of working together to realise the corporate goals. When someone who is suppose to complement you is competing with you, the dynamics if that relationship has been altered (Philippians 2:3-4).
Humility makes it easy for God and people to interact with us so that doors of opportunity will be opened for us. Humility makes you a teachable person and a good learner. Promotion and wealth come because, with humility, you submit to authority and you are willing to serve. Humility encourages honesty and helps you to handle promotion well.
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