Friday, 20 June 2014

The essence of TIME - by Evang. John Bassey

Everyone is looking for something everyday: wealth, peace, joy, happiness, money, success etc. But there is one thing one cannot get more than the other person and that is TIME! Its the same 24 hours. Time can never be controlled but can be managed. Some things you did not do years back is affecting you today and some things you won't do today will affect your future! ACT now. Continue... 

Seek the Lord early! Think fast. Be creative. Give that support. Make that phone call. Write that exam. Win that soul. Take that challenge. Save that cash. Invest that time. Make that sacrifice. Help that orphan. Pay that staff. Sing that song. MC that programme. Apply for that job. Attend those classes. Take that diet. Learn that skill. Marry that lady. Open that business. Read that bible. Say that prayer. Make that decision. Follow that dream. Chase that vision. Buy that land, purchase that car. Love that child. Write that book. Learn that software. 

In time, you'll come to realise that your deepest fear is not that you are inadequate. Your deepest fear is that you're powerful beyond measure. You ask yourself: who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, intelligent, beautiful, creative, anointed, gifted? Actually, who are you not to be. You were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within you; given with grace. And as you let your own light shine, you unconsciously give other people the permission to do same. 


I pray for you today: may grace never lack in your household, may the time you have never be wasted in the wrong place and on the wrong person. May the power of Christ's resurrection be a major threshold and energetic force by which your purpose shall be fulfilled in TIME! All in Jesus name. Amen.

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